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Posted by on 2012/05/18 under Uncategorized

I hate my parents, i don’t know why they gave birth to us. Dad was too involved with his own life, drinking and friends. Dad used to beat up mom and she was too involved with her issues. mom was forced to give up her first child for adoption, by my MIL and my dad did not care a bit. So mom spent rest of her life ignoring us. she had issues with MIL, so she was always too angry about her husband or MIL.

My dad would come home and I would be so excited to meet him hug him or play with him, he would just shout at me and then my Mom would take me away and tell me, when daddy comes home he is very upset so do not go to him. well obviously every child will try once ow twice more and then I knew i will not go to him as he will not love us or show any affection.

My mom called me UGLY in front of a huge gathering, in front of every one. one lady literally became angry and gave her a huge lecture.

They spent their entire life making friends and maintaining their relationships with their relatives, ignoring our emotional needs altogether. None of those people came when they had heart attacks or were struggling for their life in hospital beds. The home atmosphere was soo bad, that me and my sister were always scared to say anything, we never had dinners or lunches together

My mom dad have many illnesses today they are in their 60s, now they are happy with each other. After making our lives hell, and scarring us forever. Now they find each other good companions. I believe its their Karma and they will suffer even more. They still do not understand or agree to the mistakes they have made. They never had any aspirations for us, no dreams for us, we were always a burden on them. I do not want to have a relationship with them. I hate them. I have a loving husband and a son who i adore.

I will have an only child, due to the fact that I do not want to screw up my children the way my parents did, i’m just soo scared and hope i’m a good mother to my son, his well being emotionally is soo important to me. I want to give him a good happy life.

Please love your children, they are your real investment, real wealth. I wish everyone has a happy childhood filled with pleasant memories. God Bless All.

3 thoughts on “17-05-12(17:41:01)

  1. Anonymous says:

    The fact that you are so concerned about raising your son well means you will be a good parent. Your parents probably did not have these concerned thoughts. Many parents don’t think twice before having babies. You are very conscious of your past, and because you don’t want it to repeat, it means you will keep yourself in check and your kid will have a great mom. No parent is perfect, so don’t beat yourself up if you make a mistake. As long as you treat them kindly, with no mean words as your mom and dad said to you, you will be a great mom. Mean words probably don’t even cross your mind about your child, because you are so different from your parents. My mom called me a very nasty name when I was younger that I can’t believe any parent would say to a child, and it has stuck with me for years. She is quick to make rude remarks about people behind their backs as well. To this day, I think she is a child inside, like she is still in high school or something, and I hope to never be like her in that way. It’s almost like we think we might “catch” the disease of our parent, but I think that as long we remember how crappy it felt for us, it won’t happen. I refuse to ever talk to my child, or anyone, in such an horrible manner. My mom is just a very insecure woman. Your mom was probably uncomfortable with herself in some way. That is the only reason anyone ever calls someone else “ugly”. It was a reflection of herself– not you. You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders and a great family of your own. Well done. 🙂

  2. Its me says:

    Thank you very much Anonymous, for your response. I have tears in my eyes. Thank you very much for appreciation, which i rarely got in my life.

    I wish you happiness in life and relationships.

  3. Mia says:

    You have learned from you’re parents’ mistakes. You see that you want to give your son the best life possible. No parent will ever be perfect but some can come pretty damn close. And you are on that path to becoming that parent. Remember, when you are with you’re husband even if your child isn’t watching remember your actions towards each other. I know you will be a great mom. Children learn whats right and whats wrong at a very early age. SO remember you are teaching them whether you know it or not. Everyday he watches you you’re teaching him something. You had a difficult childhood but from what I see you are learning from it and doing the oppisite of what your parents did. which is a good thing by far. But I do hope you have a very wonderful and fulfilling life. ~ Mia

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